Friday, August 6, 2010

A day with the stars.

Another day in L.A. began the same as many have in the past 5 weeks; Starbucks Coffee, tea, bagel and croissant and then the work could begin. We were off to spend a day with the stars literally, we planned to walk down the entire Hollywood Walk of Fame along Hollywood Blvd and take in the names on every single one of the more than 2,400 stars set into the sidewalk...

The beginning of the Walk of Fame was easy enough to spot, as mentioned yesterday, with the introductory star depicting the 5 entertainment fields represented, those being film, television, radio, music and theatre. What is slightly confusing however is that many stars appear more than once, people such as Frank Sinatra, Barbra Streisand, for example, who have made their names acting and singing have one star for each field they have represented.

Of course we spotted the British immediately a certain Barrington form Monte Carlo or Bust.
There were areas of the of the walk of fame where Chris and I were totally at a loss, but we determined to continue! Also these areas were completely void of other tourists. The good thing about the walk is there is no guide for it, also there is no way of easily identifying where the more recent and most famous star would be the only way to find them is to walk the lot!!! We had the advantage of knowing a substantial more stars than may individuals of our generation...thanks ma and pa!!! Chris took the opportunity of having his photo with the Creator of Mongo.....Kate just wouldn't be the same!!!

Then the Terminator / Governor of California himself Arnie....some women were standing on his star, when we politely asked them to move they responded kindly to move for us but said..."shows what we think of just stand all over him..." ooo, not popular, we thought??!!

Next it was Mr Mission Impossible and Top gun himself, thankfully a slightly less crazy version, this can't jump up and down on a sofa proclaiming his love for Katie Holmes!!! As we stood there we wondered what would be the next film that Tom would bring his wonderful talents of running and grinning to???

And then we found him, the most highly sort after individual, most people can never find him according to google he finds you....Ok so it was the real Chuck Norris but close enough.....he was here...!!!

A memorial to the officers of the LAPD who have given there lives in the line of duty

Next a special just for dad, a little bird tells us in your younger years you were compared to a certain.....

...are we you still look like him???

Having completed 75% of the walk of fame we arrived at The Chinese Theatre, no longer covered by red carpet, security guards and famous people like the above mentioned governor!!

We were able to cast our eyes on the famous hand and footprints.... Peter Sellers

A special for Chris and the most recent addition to this area Mr Jerry Bruckheimer, producer of CSI:NY, the Rock and Con Air (two of your favorites up there to Ma!!)

Mongo took the opportunity to have her picture taken with oceans 11, 12 and 13 star and rather good looking Matt Damon....well his star!!

Next we stopped at the Kodak Theatre, home of the Oscars, inside all the most successful films form each Oscars are displayed, with dates already posted up to 2070....that's planning for you!! We had a Starbucks in order to continue the mammoth blog from yesterday, but also took the opportunity to photograph the HOLLYWOOD sign again, unfortunately the haze is present but we can alter the contrast to bring it out if necessary!!!

We continued on for the final stretch of the journey, a short walk down Gower St, that's right Gower!!! (Hannah, Gower is an area of Swansea part of the Diocese of Swansea and Brecon, so this is big for us)

Short the walk proved not to be, dirty shabby, quite empty neighbourhoods with little LAPD presence made us feel quite anxious, excuse the French but Fucking DK Maps! they've really been a pain in the arse here in LA. no matter how big the gap between streets whether 10m or 10 miles, the gap is shown the same size... whats the point of that.
Nevertheless still alive we found ourselves at our destination, Paramount Movie Studios, with their famous gates...

And the water tower...

A bus ride to the Farmers market and some dinner took us nicely to about 9pm so we began to make our way back to the hotel via Hollywood Blvd, where our day had begun, on our way we noticed that Madame Tussauds was quite empty... here was an opportunity to have some fun, lets go! Having spent the day with the stars we now spent the evening with them too...
I say it's the President of the United States, Barack Obama...

It's J Lo we saw her dog a couple of days ago, also did you know that her ass is insured for $1bn... $500m per cheek...(thanks CSI:NY)

The next generation of Movie Stars... if the A&F career doesn't work out...

Mongo this is no time to go clubbing!!!

Hitler wearing a funny hat... or maybe its Charlie Chaplin.

Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers.... and a monkey

Brando, The Godfather, whatta you mean 'send him a message doesn't mean a text' ???

I've been waiting for you Clarice... the Infamous Hannibal Lecter

Told you he wasn't dead, he just got another job... too many bad taste jokes to be made, move on!

Uh Oh Woo Hooo... I said move on!!!!

Lance wait you've got a puncture!!!

The one and only Nicholas Cage... except for the real one and the other Nicholas Cage models in Madame Tussauds around the world...

Chopping wood with Jackie Chan...

And just chillin with Wolverine... RRRRROOOOOAAARRRRRR!!!! (Hannah you'll get this)

Chris shares a joke with Jack Nicholson... don't believe us? check the picture... no Photoshop.

we rubbed shoulders with many other Celebs, including Daniel Craig, George Clooney, John Wayne, Liz Taylor and Nicole Kidman. Too many to show you them all but you will see.
We left Madame Tussauds very pleased we'd decided to go in, but now it was home time. Chris' feet had realised that they were in an abusive relationship and gone off to seek their fortune without him. Kate's were just dirty eeeewwwww!
No wait there's more to see! The Chinese Theatre was by now quite empty, more opportunity to take footprint photos without disturbance.
The great Nicholas Cage, a hero you are sir...

The Chinese Theatre, i'm no expert but i think there's some Chinese influence in the Architecture...

and the Kodak... no camera influence in this though...

right that's it hotel!!! no more L.A. What to do tomorrow... I'lltell you what nothing we'll go to the Station, check our bags, go to the nearest Starbucks and try and get this freakin' blog written... Guess what we did just that. SeeYa
The Adventures of Mongo and the Boy, written and experienced by
Kate 'The map reader, left... no right, one mile left, no I meant one mile from the four mile mark... that's in about a mile, what the hell is wrong with this map' Davies
Chris 'So many celebrites here I blend right in, but people keep avoiding me... maybe because I'm publically eating a map that pushed me too far!' Davies

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