Thursday, July 29, 2010

A Day of Discovery

Having arranged the taxi for our transfer to Best Western Inn and Suites Discovery Kingdom (or so we thought!!!) from Martinez...the closest Amtrak station; We managed to settle down to a decent nights sleep aboard the Coast Starlight set for another pre 8am wake up! Three in a row how Chris will survive I just didn't know, however Mongo was too excited for her date with a dolphin or two tomorrow.

At 6.35 we got the call Martinez 1hr OK, time to confirm our taxi transfer; hmmm the conversation was interesting....first of all it wasn't the same helpful man I spoke to on Thursday instead a man who could barely speak English....welcome to California!!!

On our arrival at Martinez I had to speak to the taxi driver again...starting to worry when he said are there any police around, because it is illegal to pick people up here??! Oh god! We hid out in side the station to see if a genuine taxi cab turned up and it did licence plate and cabbie licence etc all there so we began our transfer from Martinez to Vallejo. Once again we had the cabbie story....'call me and I will be your guide...' 'it going to be expensive to take the ferry..' blah blah, I felt like saying excuse me sir but I think you will find if you take us it will be double what we pay for the ferry! They are so freaking cocky out here, in need of a good slapping!

Having quickly handed over the $45 we had (we had been quoted the guy got no tip..ah well what a shame) we escaped to the safety of the hotel. Dropped our bags and it was an hour wait before we could catch the shuttle bus to Six Flags. Chris having now been awake for well over 2 hours was starting to flag!! But I made him go and stand in the cold and queue for the shuttle!! We had to get it as we had to be at the park for 10.30am for DOLPHINS!! We were somewhat worried with the weather as the cloud cover was substantial and it was as a result quite cold!

On our arrival at the Park we realised it was an easy walk so we weren't concerned about the return shuttle and with that we took our place in the small group gathered outside dolphin discovery!! After a 30minute briefing on our dolphin experience we 'suited up' in our lovely wetsuits and booties and headed back outside, the clouds had now dispersed and it was getting pleasantly warm. We entered the park and arrived at the Dolphin pool it was here we realised that the experience was public...hehehe! Thank God we, in particular Chris, looked so very sexy in our wetsuits (who wrote this bit?).

Our small group of 7 was split into 3 groups Chris and I were with a another lady and our trainer Abbie. Into the water then...a little chilly but who cares I'm in the water with Dolphins! Our first dolphin was Teri, the oldest Dolphin in North America at 50 she is double the average age of a dolphin. Still a mover though and her fin came a little close to Chris' meat and two veg if you know what I mean!!!!!! Sorry Hannah he just can't stop pulling these birds!!! Having pet Teri, it was Maverick that came next, he was the youngest dolphin in the park until just 2 months ago. Only two years old, he was very playful. It was then time for a dorsal ride, Chris aboard Teri

And Kate aboard Maverick

The thrill of this experience was something else, we both couldn't stop smiling after this, Kate hadn't stopped grinning since about 10am this morning, but Chris had now woken and realised he just went from A-B on dolphin!!!!

Our next interaction was with Bella, she was only four and also playful we splashed her and she drenched us before having our photo opportunity, either a dance

or a kiss

Completely lost in the moment my favorite picture of the day....

The Dolphin discovery experience came to an end by feeding them, it was an experience we will never forget, Mongo completely in love no more sports science for me I am coming to play with dolphins! Chris informed me that to swim with dolphins is in 100 things to do before you die, not while you're alive, no BEFORE YOU DIE!!!! as the precious seconds tick away TICK TOCK TICK TOCK! (thanks Bill Bailey). After 20 and 22 years it was the first time we had swam with dolphins, it will not be the last
Having got some food inside of us it was off to the tigers. The shows at Six Flags are not making the animals do what they wouldn't do in the wild, like ride a bike or Jump through a ring of fire. Instead they are designed to explore the nature of the beast. The tigers were gorgeous, Chris was immediately in love with another red head

They drink a watered down version of milk, amazing creatures..she isn't even stood up straight in this photo and the guy is easily over six foot!!!

Next the big cats went for a swim, different to their house trained cousins, they like water and can't really climb well, and they were very good swimmers, Chris would have hopped into the water in a second however I think they were hungry!!!

Next we continued around the Park back the the dolphin show, they do tricks in the small pool that we were in earlier but the larger pool they just came alive

Even showing off there artistic have to get some dolphin art!!!

The show truly celebrated the dolphin, It is true that they can jump two to three times there body length out of the water.

Such graceful creature across the water, in the same way we blush and go rosy cheeked there belly's go rosy, way of thermo-regulation (a little bit of biology for you!!!)

Just stunning aren't they?? I bet you wanna swim with them now!!

From dolphins to sealions first of all we met Sergent, a rescue sealion. Since an act in the 70's prevents the capture of animals from the wild to be brought into human care discovery kingdom has a tradition of looking after there own, those born in the park and those sent as rescue that would not survive in the wild. Sergent was a rescue, he had been shot in the face and survived he managed to end up in the Sacramento river, somewhere a sealion should never be and he lost his fear of humans which meant he suffered more abuse, the SPCA sent Sergent to Discovery Kingdom where he has been cared for ever since, he is totally blind in one eye and partially blind in the other.

On the the show then, a sealion version of pirates!!! Having to help in finding a key this one Kai pretends to be asleep!!

Next the babies came out Mily and Freya, OMG sooo cute!! Here freya shows you how to save yourself using a life vest

And then they show that siblings can get along

Next up Kenobe the fastest swimmer who can also provide life support!! Having tested whether one of the pirates was alive had provided mouth to mouth...hummm fishy!!!!

Kinobe also showed off his singing talents!

From here it was snack time, donuts provided Chris with suitable nourishment while Mongo went with Ben and Jerry's yyyuuummmmm, 'One chocolate fudge brownie please' was met with the response..'sorry we are out'...i'm sorry what?? ok so which other one, well I haven't caught Starbucksium today so one coffee coffee buzz buzz please....So good!!!!

And then off to more animals, and off to land, first stop the elephant, Taj below was born in! Doesn't she look good

So cute she chucked her hay on top of her whilst eating the banana's picking up one banana on a bunch of six shaking it until it came off and then eating it!

Through the big cats then, cougars, cheaters

and the daddy of the cats, king of the pride

The the giraffes, here Kate found another baby, how she does it is impossible to say, but she will find one anywhere some how! Mum and baby were together slightly hidden by the fence however this one was entertaining, 'ooo suits you sir!!!'

It was the Camels turn to strut her/his stuff and very willing it was too!!

Enroute to the Orca show we came across the North American Porcupine off for his afternoon stroll!!

And then yet again Kate spotted them...the baby tigers awww sooo cute!! Chris actually more fascinated with these babies too

Look at the size of his paws!!! Gunna be a big one

Play time!!

It was off to the Orca show celebrate Shouka, at only 7 she is small for a Killer Whale they can be up to double her size,

At well over 1 ton and a diet of around 100lbs of fish per day she can still move gracefully along with her best pal Merlin the dolphin

Dolphin is the Orca (killer whale's) cousin you wouldn't know would you!!!

Shouka was amazing and her size ensured a good number of people got suitable drenched!!

Following the Shouka show it was time to consider heading back to the hotel, it has been the most amzing and humbling day, Six Flags is amazing and I would highly recommend anyone to do it the dolphin discovery is the best in the country, according to the girl in our group who has done the sea world one etc. The care of the animal is second to none which is what I like to see plus it has a theme park, didn't go on anything though not enough time to queue not with all the animal to see...I recommend at least two days here.

So knackered and blog complete and now up todate we head for San Francisco, for now we say goodbye

The Adventures of Mongo and the Boy, written and Experienced by

Kate 'people notice if you try and slip a dolphin into your pocket' Davies


Chris 'pulled by a 50 year old woman' Davies

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