Saturday, July 3, 2010

The Rockies

Nature Notes from Colorado:

Falco Spiritus Flatulatatis or the Phantom Farting Falcon
Rodentus Dentis Maximus Belchus or the Belching Beaver
Two extremely rare creatures thought, now, to inhabit only the Suburbs of Denver, Colorado and more remote parts of the Rocky Mountains National Park. The Falcon has acquired its name from both, its hunting squawk (believed to resemble a flatulating middle aged cleric) but also its notorious skittishness, whenever the squawk is heard, due to the bird's incredible speed (a 'wind' speed of some 145 mph it is never seen and henceforth a phantom. Its diet consists mainly of insects, small rodents and whatever it can catch in the vicinity of its nest.
The Beaver similarly is notoriously difficult to spot and , though less of a menace to society, still a problem around the city of Denver. The scent that it gives off would suggest that it's diet consists mostly of wafer bread and communion wine. It's mating call, a low rumbling sound (like a belch, hence the name Belching Beaver) is often heard echoing through the halls of St John's Cathedral, Denver
Below is a photograph of the only man to have ever seen either species, The Very Rev'd Peter Eaton. noted cleric, naturalist and explorer based in Denver, Colorado.

On a much more serious note we over the last two days (July 1st and 2nd to us) have taken two very enjoyable trips into the Rocky Mountains with Peter. On the first we Journeyed deep into the mountains for a hike from Bear Lake up to Emerald Lake. Stopping briefly at Peter and Kate's (E) favourite little place for some brunch (we are so sorry but we have forgotten the name... it's late and we have just had news that our bus journey tomorrow is to be nearly 45mins longer than anticipated!!!) Kate consumed her customary Bagel and gallon of Pepsi, whilst I foolishly tackled the most enormous pancakes in the history of fat people... and i had two of them plus a gammon chop on the side!

Very full we made our way finally into the mountains. at Bear Lake we began our hike, a steady but substantial incline for about 2 miles, our destination nearly 10,000 ft above sea level. immediately we struck lucky with the wildlife spotting two young buck Elk grazing just off the path. pictures had to be hurriedly taken unfortunately as the heavens opened and a veritable piss-down begun. when we returned from shelter the Elk had moved on, never mind onwards and upwards.

With the sharp but brief thunder-storm passed the skies cleared and the sun began to beat down immediately drying the surroundings and revealing a little spot of heaven. The Rocky Mountains...

Immediately, of course claimed for Her Majesty...

As we moved higher the weather grew more pleasant and the picturesque scenery more abundant...

The nature too became more noticeable, this practically tame little Chipmunk actually climbed onto Chris's leg while he was kneeling trying to photograph it. (do the little stuffed cheeks remind you of anyone...DAD!).

Near the beginning of the trail Bear Lake was a still and silent oasis of calm... but where there are still and silent oasis of calm where water is concerned the are also mosquitoes. Now I may have hated the little children at the Science museum but at least they didn't gang up on me in their hundreds to suck my blood. The mosquitoes, however, did and persistent little buggers they were too at present we have counted 14 seriously big bites on my arms, legs and back...ewww!

At least where water flowed more freely they were less of a problem...

Eventually we reached the top at Emerald Lake, presumably named for its Emerald Green water colour??? this two was of course claimed by the intrepid explorers, Davies, Davies and Eaton

A return to base camp brought relief for many particularly after a visit to the Chicago Pizza restaurant for thin crust double Pepperoni pizzas, however were left to lick the wounds of battle, the Rockies had been conquered in the name of Queen and country... but at what cost??? Two legs one arm, two shoulders and a neck, that's what cost!!!

Nevertheless the intrepid explorers, happy with their deeds nobly done could sleep soundly remenissing on the wonders nature provided
and wake refreshed ready for the next day

Day two of the adventures into the Rockies arrived with a much more relaxed day planned. less mountain hiking more cultural experience of a typical Colorado, mining town. Georgetown is a tiny town in the foothills of the Rockies almost untouched by the outside world since the 1860's, apart form the addition of cars and electricity... that's about it.

The tiny cafe called Ed's may mot have been much to look at but the food was once again spectacular.... particularly the Gammon and (i'm told) the Bagels

Perhaps the town's most notable landmark is the Hotel De Paris originally opened by Louis Dupuy as a high class hotel for Businessmen and traders during the Gold Rush of the late 19th century, subsequently taken on by the Colonial Dames of America in Colorado a group of women local to the area intent on preserving the heritage of the building and it's contents. Our Hostess, the wonderful Kate, Peter informed us is herself a Colonial Dame through her mother's side of the family, the family having been involved in the project to restore the Hotel.

The beauty of the town untouched by time gave a great idea of how the old west must have felt like to live in... just look at he post office in Georgetown...

pressures of time now found us fleeing the hills in order to attend evening prayer and mass at the Cathedral. not wishing to leave us isolated in the congregation at mass Peter asked if Kate would read the reading and lead the congregation in the Psalmic responses. after much soul searching Kate agreed that this was a wonderful idea and that I would love to do it... Hang on a minute!!! Yes i read whilst Kate help prepare the alter for communion. After mass and a brief tour of the Cathedral it was back to the Eaton's for some enjoyable company, BBQ and Pastor Gas (want to know what it is... check

Peter, Kate, Myself Kate #2, Peter's Curate Bret and the Eaton's good friends Deb and Newt(on) enjoyed an evening of good conversation and riotous laughter before we all turned in for the night ready for the early start that would take us away from Colorado to South Dakota and the Black Hills....

The experinces of Mongo and the Boy
Written by
Chris 'Baden-Powell' Davies
Kate 'One more bagel please' Davies.

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